Category Archives: Healthy Eating

Eat right get it tight

Protein mug cake

My beautiful mug cake. 1tbs of coconut flour. 1tbs PB2. 1tbs whey protein. Pinch of baking powder. Like 1/2tbs cocoa powder. 3tbs or 1 egg white. 2-3 tbs almond milk. Microwave for 1:30. Mix up pb2 and a tbs of almond butter with almond milk and add to the top. Having arctic zero strawberry ice cream on the side.



Finding balance again….

Finding balance again….

I want to be who I was before I decided to jump into competing. That was a girl who lost 30+ pounds. No trainer. No food scale. No meal plan. Just eating healthy food that I loved. And working out because I loved it even more!!! Because my body is in such a sensitive state it will be some weight gain. Possibly a lot. Hopefully not a ton. But I have to remember that my body will eventually adjust and go back to its happy place. The steps I will take to achieve this
1. Throwing out the scales!!! I will not weigh myself or my food. This was becoming an obsession. Which felt like it was leading to depression. No scales will define me.
2. No meal plan. No tracking calories. No macro counting. Another obsessive behavior that drove me crazy and made me upset with myself when I was not able to satisfy a craving. Or if I do satisfy my craving. Led to even further binging behavior cause its like screw it I messed up anyway. Eating without guilt. I will eat healthy balanced meals like I know I can but if I want fruit. I will eat the fruit. If I want cereal. I will eat it. If I want some chocolate. Better believe I will have some chocolate. It’s about balance!!!
So now my list only has 2 changes. Lol. But for me these 2 are huge!!! I refuse to let fitness take over my life in a negative way. I’m ready to lift heavy because I love it. Not because I have to! I am ready to go to lunch with a friend unplanned because I still have to live my life. This will be a new learning process for me. In the end…I’m just striving for happy. Healthy. And fit!!!


The Transition Period….1 week post competition

The Transition Period….1 week post competition

During contest prep I was hearing so much about post competition rebound. I was determined to not let that be me. I had a plan set up for my self, I had done so much research, and I would even look at previous competitiors and just say, that will NOT be me. 1 week post competition and it is a HUGE mind game. So much harder when it is actually you dealing with the issue yourself! You are faced with the same temptations from food that you were before. Except the difference this time you have no reason to say no because your competition is over!

Coming off of competition prep is to me way harder than being on prep. Only because everything is structured and laid out where as post competition it’s like you are free. You can’t go back to eating the amount of food you were before competing because the bodies metabolism will not be able to handle it. But at the same time your body still feels hungry as your steady on this reverse diet. It then leads to binging which sucks even more.

I set up a reverse plan that I have been working on but not 100% following. I still feel bloated and almost wondering how much of this is fat that I have put on. I refuse to get on the scale to make myself even more upset

What’s weird…at the same time I feel so much better. My energy is back up. I am not on a “I have to go to the gym” schedule. I am able to focus on other things. My body is becoming more regulated overall. So then it becomes a battle between being happy and just healthy with some extra weight on or remembering how miserable being at 11% BF or at least how miserable it was getting there. My ultimate goal right now is to find balance between being happy and healthy yet being happy with my figure. Not losing control and obsessing over food and to eventually not have to track calories and macros. But I know it has to be taken a step at a time because my metabolism is nothing what it used to be.

If you are considering competing keep all of this in mind and have a plan post competition as it will be a tough transition. 95% of competitors I’m sure deal with it. I’ve noticed some deal with it by prepping for another competition only to have the same mental struggle after the next. I’m looking for a long lasting solution. Because of this I doubt I will compete again unless I know I am stronger mentally. My body is normal again. And the prep is not miserable while eating enough calories to keep me breathing. (Refer to my previous blog post concerning how my prep was)


Chocolate protein cookies

When I can experiment with new recipes and healthy recipes at that. I am happy. It’s one thing I love to do. On contest prep that was one big thing that I really missed so its nice getting back to that. To make these cookies I used
3/4 cup almond meal/flour
2 scoops chocolate whey protein
1/4 cup cocoa powder
2 tbs pb2
1/8 tsp baking powder
2 egg whites
1/8 cup honey

Mix everything together. Will be very thick and sticky like cookie dough. Spoon 6 cookies on a sprayed baking pan. I created little caves in each cookie and added peanut butter co dark chocolate dreams peanut butter to the center then added the tiny bit of cookie mix I had to the top of each cookie covering the peanut butter. Baked on 350 for about 10mins





Peanut Butter and Jelly Pancakes

Since champ has decided my new up time is 5am everyday. That gave me plenty of time to throw these peanut butter and Jelly pancakes together. So delicious!!! 1/2 cup oats. 4 egg whites. Scoop chocolate whey. 1/2 banana. Almond milk to consistency. All in blender. If you add too much milk like I did then add some coconut flour or any flour you have to thicken it. I topped with low sugar raspberry jelly. And white chocolate peanut butter. Mmmmm amazing!!!


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Posted by on May 8, 2013 in Breakfast, Healthy Eating


Whole wheat Pancakes

1/3 cup whole-wheat flour

1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder

1/4 tsp.ea: baking powder, cinnamon

1 TB flaxseed, ground

1/2 banana

1/3 cup egg whites

1/4 cup water

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract


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Posted by on May 8, 2013 in Breakfast, Healthy Eating


Turkey Chili

1 lb ground turkey
1 onion
1/2-1 green pepper
1 zucchini
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can kidney beans (can omit if doing paleo diet)
1/2-1 cup low sodium chicken broth
1/2-1 cup pasta sauce
1 tbs minced garlic
Chili powder

When it comes to me making some things I don’t measure. So I have a guesstimate for most things. As far as the seasonings..I didn’t measure either. It’s more of season to taste. Sorry I wasn’t much help with this one! Still a good recipe though!


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Posted by on September 24, 2012 in Dinner, Healthy Eating


Turkey meat loaf

1 lb ground turkey
1 egg
1/2 cup shredded zucchini
1/4 cup tomato sauce
1 chopped onion
1/4 cup oat bran
1 tbs minced garlic (I like garlic :-))
Mix all ingredients in a bowl
Add to a baking bread pan sprayed with non stick spray

Bake on 350 for about 45 minutes




Posted by on September 16, 2012 in Dinner, Healthy Eating


Spinach and cheese turkey burgers

1 lb ground turkey
2 eggs
Handful chopped spinach
2 oz goat cheese (feta cheese would be great as well
Garlic powder
Onion powder

Form into 4 patties and put in oven on high broil. Brown each side and done when the center is no longer pink. About 20 mins (10 each side)





Posted by on September 8, 2012 in Healthy Eating, lunch


Chocolate sweet potato pancakes

1/2 sweet potato
Handful spinach
Almond milk
1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder
1 egg
2 egg whites
Agave nectar
Coconut Flour

In a blender put the sweet potato (already cooked) and spinach together. Blend with a bit of almond milk at a time until they are both completely blended.
Pour into a bowl and mix the remaining ingredients. I ended up adding about 2 tbs coconut flour but I didn’t measure, was going by the consistence.
Cook on medium-low heat in coconut oil.
Top with whatever you like! I topped with just strawberries so the vitamin c in the strawberries can help absorb the iron in the spinach. They are so good and moist, no syrup or anything was necessary. But that will be up to you




Posted by on September 5, 2012 in Breakfast, Healthy Eating